
Voice candy 1.1.4
Voice candy 1.1.4

voice candy 1.1.4
  1. #Voice candy 1.1.4 full
  2. #Voice candy 1.1.4 zip

  • In addition to 1.9 fields (First Name, Last Name, Email, Nickname), many more fields (City, Company, Country, Department, Division, Job Title, Organization, Personal Fax, Personal Mobile, Personal Phone, State, Street Address, Work Fax, Work Mobile, Work Phone, Zip Code) have been added and you can now add custom fields.Ĭontribution feature allows to let users (or force them to) choose one or many of the contribution types offered at the edit form of several tiki features (wiki, forum, comments, sheets, blogs.
  • Contacts can now be shared with other groups.
  • Contacts used to be only in webmail before (tiki-webmail.php?locSection=contacts)
  • tiki-contacts.php has been re-written.
  • * replaces tiki_p_view_categories (in 1.9 and prev) * allows user to edit objects in category * replaces tiki_p_edit_categories(in 1.9 or prev). This could provide a layer where categs are only visible to a given group for internal management, while other groups won't even know there is a categories system.

    voice candy 1.1.4

    * this perm now also is required to categorize anything. * required to have the display of the categpath (on top) on wiki pages, as well as categobjects at the bottom. * can see objects and list of objects in the category. This permission grants access to tiki-admin_categories.php, and is required when a user needs to change categories as well. Improved permission system for categories: See Categories Details.Watch category (receive email notification of change for that category).Mandatory category in the category tree.Shibboleth Authentication has been added.Ĭalendar feature has been split into two: (1) Action calendar and (2) events Calendar, with a redesigned user interface and many more features, including Feeds feeds, among others.

    #Voice candy 1.1.4 full

    Full implementation pending.Īuthentication has received a major enhancement.

    voice candy 1.1.4

    Mootools Activating Mootools loads mootools.js in HTML head. Ajax So far, asynchronous Wiki edit page display and submit, and ))MyTiki(( info and preferences display (information displayed in context without total page refresh being necessary).

    Voice candy 1.1.4